Link listing will go here

UbuWeb is not a blog // Hebdomadal is not UbuWeb

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

v.01.n. Opening: This is a project I've been considering starting up for some time. Somehow, the energy and motivation to bring this into being came upon me this sixth of May two thousand and eight. There is more embellishment to be done with the layout of the site, but the premise is fairly straight-forward. I have laid it out in the new 'About' section, page right.

Today has been full of hax0ring this blogspot replica into presentability. Tomorrow I will concert my first post. It will concern the recent upload of a John Baldessari video and some several intertextual moments in the present of conceptual writing. For now, you can see the video, Baldessari Sings Lewitt (1972, 15m) on the UbuWeb site proper. Or below:

[Route: Baldessari >> Steve McLaughlin >> ArtTorrents]

- Danny Snelson, 5.6.08

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About: Hebdomadal

The dubious lineage of Hebdomadal echoes a grandfatherly Père Heb: with a single, retractable ear and a misshapen body, this caricature of a hebephrenic heathen is but one entry point into a vast domain of creative endeavors. The Victorian pen would couple the Hebdomadal with the weekly feuilleton or illicit organization.

We like to think of it as the regular meeting of a fold with its unfolding.

Hebdomadal is not the personal blog of UbuWeb -- It is an independent apparatus, an errant tributary, a divested replica, a critical journal born in a haze of theft & fraudulence.

Hebdomadal is a bi-weekly publication of critical perspectives on resources available in the UbuWeb archive. The noticeable similarities in design and the heavy array of linkage to UbuWeb are but two significant components of a mimicry the editors of Hebdomadal consider essential to a mediated writing on the virtual material we consider here.

This site is entirely parasitical. A mass of linked webbing sutures this site alongside the 'original' resources while the fraudulent design sets a common digital table for chewing over the public spread. We are leeching off UbuWeb's prodigious resources with the hopes to pass on some digested strains of its diverse streams: in this vulgar ecology we hope to spark a positive feedback loop.

Similarly, the situation of this site on Blogger is not insignificant. Bending these entirely free (and entirely manipulable) popular dot blogspot domains to our purposes is felt to be an important re-appropriation of a very different sort of cultural space. You will find convenient Blogger comment boxes to voice off in and free RSS integration to feed off of: we welcome productive conversation.

As a critical review, Hebdomadal will publish regular writings on essential works hidden in the staggering complex of UbuWeb's labyrinthine archive. Writing will be done both by the editors of Hebdomadal and via invitation. If you would like to contribute, please contact us here.

This is thus a log of various explorations. Mapping our movement in a nebulous sphere (itself constantly expanding) while acquiring revealing data organized by numerous voices echoing off this paramount sector of the internet as we know it.

-The Editors